
Defines the connector interface.

class connector.CompletedRemoteCommand

The return value of, representing a finished remote process.


attr stdout

stdout: Optional[bytes]

The stdout of the remote command. If you need a string, but are not sure that the formatting is utf-8, be sure to decode with errors="surrogateescape" or errors=backslashreplace depending on your use.

attr stderr

stderr: Optional[bytes]

The stderr of the remote command. If you need a string, but are not sure that the formatting is utf-8, be sure to decode with errors="surrogateescape" or errors=backslashreplace depending on your use.

attr returncode

returncode: int

The return code of the remote command.

class connector.StatResult

The return value of stat(), representing information about a remote file. The type will be one of [ "dir", "chr", "blk", "file", "fifo", "link", "sock", "other" ]. If requested, the sha512sum of the file will be included.

class connector.UserEntry

The result of a user query.


attr name

name: str

The name of the user

attr uid

uid: int

The numerical user id

attr group

group: str

The name of the primary group

attr gid

gid: int

The numerical primary group id

attr groups

groups: list[str]

All names of the supplementary groups this user belongs to

attr password_hash

password_hash: Optional[str]

The password hash from shadow, if requested.

attr gecos

gecos: str

The comment (GECOS) field of the user

attr home

home: str

The home directory of the user

attr shell

shell: str

The default shell of the user

class connector.GroupEntry

The result of a group query.


attr name

name: str

The name of the group

attr gid

gid: int

The numerical group id

attr members

members: list[str]

All the group member's user names

class connector.Connector

The base class for all connectors.


attr schema

schema: str

The schema of the connector. Must match the schema used in urls of this connector, such as ssh for ssh:.... May also appear in log messages. A schema is the part of the url until (but not including) the first colon. Set by the @connector decorator.

attr registered_connectors

registered_connectors: dict[str, Type[Connector]] = {}

The list of all registered connectors.


def -> None:

Opens the connection to the remote host.

def Connector.close()

def Connector.close(self) -> None:

Closes the connection to the remote host.


def, command: list[str], input: Optional[bytes] = None, 
                  capture_output: bool = True, check: bool = True, 
                  user: Optional[str] = None, group: Optional[str] = None, 
                  umask: Optional[str] = None, cwd: Optional[str] = None
                  ) -> CompletedRemoteCommand:

Runs the given command on the remote, returning a CompletedRemoteCommand containing the returned information (if any) and the status code.


  • command: The command to be executed on the remote host.

  • input: Input to the remote command.

  • capture_output: Whether the output of the command should be captured.

  • check: Whether to raise an exception if the remote command returns with a non-zero exit status.

  • user: The remote user under which the command should be run. Also sets the group to the primary group of that user if it isn't explicitly given. If not given, the command is run as the user under which the remote dispatcher is running (usually root).

  • group: The remote group under which the command should be run. If not given, the command is run as the group under which the remote dispatcher is running (usually root), or in case the user was explicitly specified, the primary group of that user.

  • umask: The umask to use when executing the command on the remote system. Defaults to "077".

  • cwd: The remote working directory under which the command should be run.


  • CompletedRemoteCommand: The result of the remote command.


  • subprocess.CalledProcessError: If check is True and the process returned a non-zero exit status.

  • ValueError: A parameter was invalid.

  • fora.connectors.tunnel_dispatcher.RemoteOSError: If the remote command fails because of an remote OSError.

  • IOError: An error occurred with the connection.

def Connector.resolve_user()

def Connector.resolve_user(self, user: Optional[str]) -> str:

Resolves the given user on the remote, returning the canonicalized username. If the given user is None, instead returns the user as which the remote command is running.


  • user: The username or uid that should be resolved, or None to query the current user.


  • str: The resolved username or None if the input was None.


  • ValueError: If the user could not be resolved.

  • fora.connectors.tunnel_dispatcher.RemoteOSError: If the remote command fails because of an remote OSError.

  • IOError: An error occurred with the connection.

def Connector.resolve_group()

def Connector.resolve_group(self, group: Optional[str]) -> str:

Resolves the given group on the remote, returning the canonicalized groupname. If the given group is None, instead returns the group as which the remote command is running.


  • group: The groupname or gid that should be resolved, or None to query the current group.


  • str: The resolved groupname or None if the input was None.


  • ValueError: If the group could not be resolved.

  • fora.connectors.tunnel_dispatcher.RemoteOSError: If the remote command fails because of an remote OSError.

  • IOError: An error occurred with the connection.

def Connector.stat()

def Connector.stat(self, path: str, follow_links: bool = False, 
                   sha512sum: bool = False) -> Optional[StatResult]:

Runs os.stat() on the given path on the remote. Follows links if follow_links is true. Includes the sha512sum if desired and if the path is a file.

Returns None if the remote path doesn't exist.


  • path: The path to stat.

  • follow_links: Whether to follow symbolic links instead of running stat on the link.

  • sha512sum: Whether to include the sha512sum if the path is a file.


  • Optional[StatResult]: The stat result or None if the path didn't exist.


  • fora.connectors.tunnel_dispatcher.RemoteOSError: If the remote command fails for any reason other than file not found.

  • IOError: An error occurred with the connection.

def Connector.upload()

def Connector.upload(self, file: str, content: bytes, 
                     mode: Optional[str] = None, 
                     owner: Optional[str] = None, 
                     group: Optional[str] = None) -> None:

Uploads the given content to the remote system and saves it under the given file path. Overwrites existing files.


  • file: The file where the content will be saved.

  • content: The file content.

  • owner: The owner for the file. Defaults to root if not given.

  • group: The group for the file. If the owner is given, defaults to the primary group of the owner, otherwise defaults to root.

  • mode: The mode for the file. Defaults to '600' if not given.


  • ValueError: A parameter was invalid.

  • fora.connectors.tunnel_dispatcher.RemoteOSError: If the remote command fails because of an remote OSError.

  • IOError: An error occurred with the connection.


def, file: str) -> bytes:

Downloads the given file from the remote system.


  • file: The file to download.


  • ValueError: If the file was not found.

  • fora.connectors.tunnel_dispatcher.RemoteOSError: If the remote command fails for any reason other than file not found.

  • IOError: An error occurred with the connection.

def Connector.query_user()

def Connector.query_user(self, user: str, query_password_hash: bool = False
                         ) -> UserEntry:

Queries information about a user on the reomte system.


  • user: The username or uid that should be queried.

  • query_password_hash: Whether the password hash should also be returned. Requires elevated privileges.


  • UserEntry: The information about the user.


  • ValueError: If the user could not be resolved.

  • fora.connectors.tunnel_dispatcher.RemoteOSError: If the remote command fails because of an remote OSError.

  • IOError: An error occurred with the connection.

def Connector.query_group()

def Connector.query_group(self, group: str) -> GroupEntry:

Queries information about a group on the reomte system.


  • group: The groupname or gid that should be queried.


  • GroupEntry: The resolved groupname or None if the input was None.


  • ValueError: If the group could not be resolved.

  • fora.connectors.tunnel_dispatcher.RemoteOSError: If the remote command fails because of an remote OSError.

  • IOError: An error occurred with the connection.

def Connector.getenv()

def Connector.getenv(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:

Return's an environment variable from the remote host.


  • key: The variable to get.


  • str: The corresponding variable if found, None otherwise.


  • ValueError: If the user could not be resolved.

  • fora.connectors.tunnel_dispatcher.RemoteOSError: If the remote command fails because of an remote OSError.

  • IOError: An error occurred with the connection.

def Connector.extract_hostname()

def Connector.extract_hostname(cls, url: str) -> str:

Extracts the hostname from a given url where the schema matches this connector.


  • url: The url to extract the hostname from.


  • str: The extracted hostname.


  • ValueError: The provided url was invalid.


def connector.connector()

def connector.connector(schema: str
                        ) -> Callable[[Type[Connector]], Type[Connector]]:

The @connector class decorator used to register the connector to the global registry.


  • schema: The schema for the connector, for example 'ssh'.

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