
Provides utility functions.

class utils.FatalError

An exception type for fatal errors, optionally including a file location.

class utils.CycleError

An error that is throw to report a cycle in a graph that must be cycle free.


def utils.print_status()

def utils.print_status(status: str, msg: str) -> None:

Prints a message with a (possibly colored) status prefix.

def utils.print_warning()

def utils.print_warning(msg: str) -> None:

Prints a message with a (possibly colored) 'warning: ' prefix.

def utils.print_error()

def utils.print_error(msg: str, loc: Optional[str] = None) -> None:

Prints a message with a (possibly colored) 'error: ' prefix.

def utils.len_ignore_leading_ansi()

def utils.len_ignore_leading_ansi(s: str) -> int:

Returns the length of the string or 0 if it starts with [

def utils.ansilen()

def utils.ansilen(ss: Collection[str]) -> int:

Returns the length of all strings combined ignoring ansi control sequences

def utils.ansipad()

def utils.ansipad(ss: Collection[str], pad: int = 0) -> str:

Joins an array of string and ansi codes together and pads the result with spaces to at least pad characters.

def utils.print_fullwith()

def utils.print_fullwith(left: Optional[list[str]] = None, 
                         right: Optional[list[str]] = None, pad: str = '─', 
                         **kwargs: Any) -> None:

Prints a message padded to the terminal width to stderr.

def utils.print_table()

def utils.print_table(header: Collection[Collection[str]], 
                      rows: Collection[Collection[Collection[str]]], 
                      box_color: str = '\x1b[90m', 
                      min_col_width: Optional[list[int]] = None) -> None:

Prints the given rows as an ascii box table.

def utils.die_error()

def utils.die_error(msg: str, loc: Optional[str] = None, 
                    status_code: int = 1) -> NoReturn:

Prints a message with a colored 'error: ' prefix, and exit with the given status code afterwards.

def utils.load_py_module()

def utils.load_py_module(file: str, 
                         pre_exec: Optional[Callable[[ModuleType], None]] = None
                         ) -> ModuleType:

Loads a module from the given filename and assigns a unique module name to it. Calling this function twice for the same file will yield distinct instances.

def utils.rank_sort()

def utils.rank_sort(vertices: Iterable[T], 
                    preds_of: Callable[[T], Iterable[T]], 
                    childs_of: Callable[[T], Iterable[T]]) -> dict[T, int]:

Calculates the top-down rank for each vertex. Supports graphs with multiple components. The graph must not have any cycles or a CycleError will be thrown.


  • vertices: A list of vertices

  • preds_of: A function that returns a list of predecessors given a vertex

  • childs_of: A function that returns a list of successors given a vertex


  • dict[T, int]: A dict associating a rank to each vertex


  • CycleError: The given graph is cyclic.

def utils.script_trace()

def utils.script_trace(script_stack: list[tuple[Any, inspect.FrameInfo]], 
                       include_root: bool = False) -> str:

Creates a script trace similar to a python backtrace.


  • script_stack: The script stack to print

  • include_root: Whether or not to include the root frame in the script trace.

def utils.print_exception()

def utils.print_exception(exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], 
                          exc_info: Optional[BaseException], 
                          tb: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None:

A function that hook that prints an exception traceback beginning from the last dynamically loaded module, but including a script stack so the error location is more easily understood and printed in a cleaner way.

def utils.install_exception_hook()

def utils.install_exception_hook() -> None:

Installs a new global exception handler, that will modify the traceback of exceptions raised from dynamically loaded modules so that they are printed in a cleaner and more meaningful way (for the user).

def utils.import_submodules()

def utils.import_submodules(package: Union[str, ModuleType], 
                            recursive: bool = False
                            ) -> dict[str, ModuleType]:

Import all submodules of a module, possibly recursively including subpackages.


  • package: The package to import all submodules from.

  • recursive: Whether to recursively include subpackages.


def utils.check_host_active()

def utils.check_host_active() -> None:

Asserts that an inventory has been loaded and a host is active.

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