
Provides utiliy functions for operations.


attr utils.package_managers

utils.package_managers: dict[str, Any] = {}

All registered package managers as a map from (command name -> package function).

attr utils.service_managers

utils.service_managers: dict[str, Any] = {}

All registered service managers as a map from (command name -> service function).


def utils.find_command()

def utils.find_command(conn: Connection, 
                       command_to_result_map: dict[str, Any]
                       ) -> Optional[Any]:

Searches for any of the commands provided as keys in command_to_result_map, and if found on the target system, returns the associated value from the map.

def utils.package_manager()

def utils.package_manager(command: str) -> Callable[[Callable], Callable]:

Operation function decorator to denote that this operation constitutes the package() operation of a package manager. This will cause it to be registered such that system.package() can call this package function if the given command is detected on the remote system.

See pacman.package() for an example usage.

def utils.service_manager()

def utils.service_manager(command: str) -> Callable[[Callable], Callable]:

Operation function decorator to denote that this operation constitutes the service() operation of a service manager. This will cause it to be registered such that system.service() can call this service function if the given command is detected on the remote system.

See systemd.service() for an example usage.

def utils.generic_package()

def utils.generic_package(op: Operation, packages: list[str], present: bool, 
                          is_installed: Callable[[str], bool], 
                          install: Callable[[str], None], 
                          uninstall: Callable[[str], None]
                          ) -> OperationResult:

A generic package operation that will query the current system state and call install/uninstall on each of the packages where an action is required to reach the target state.


  • op: The operation wrapper.

  • packages: The packages to modify.

  • present: Whether the given package should be installed or uninstalled.

  • is_installed: A function that returns whether a given package is installed.

  • install: A function that installs the given package on the remote system.

  • uninstall: A function that uninstalls the given package on the remote system.

def utils.save_content()

def utils.save_content(op: Operation, content: Union[bytes, str], dest: str, 
                       mode: Optional[str] = None, 
                       owner: Optional[str] = None, 
                       group: Optional[str] = None) -> OperationResult:

Saves the given content as dest on the remote host. Only for use within an operation, if save_content is the main functionality. You must supply the op parameter.


  • op: The operation wrapper.

  • content: The file content.

  • dest: The remote destination path.

  • mode: The file mode. Uses the remote execution defaults if None.

  • owner: The file owner. Uses the remote execution defaults if None.

  • group: The file group. Uses the remote execution defaults if None.

def utils.check_absolute_path()

def utils.check_absolute_path(path: str, path_desc: str) -> None:

Asserts that a given path is non empty and absolute.


  • path: The path to check.

  • path_desc: Will be printed in case of error as a substitute for the invalid variable

def utils.new_op_fail()

def utils.new_op_fail(op_name: str, name: Optional[str], desc: str, 
                      error: str) -> OperationError:

Creates a new operation with given name and description and immediately returns a failed status with the given error message. Also returns a OperationError in case the callee want's to raise and exception.

This is useful for meta-operations, that have a failure condition before the required sub-operation is determined (e.g. system.package() can call different package manager's package() operation, but can also fail to find a suitable one).

Last updated