
Provides operations related to the pacman package manager.


def pacman.package()

def pacman.package(packages: list[str], present: bool = True, 
                   opts: Optional[list[str]] = None, 
                   name: Optional[str] = None, check: bool = True, 
                   op: Operation = Operation.internal_use_only
                   ) -> OperationResult:

Adds or removes system packages with pacman.


  • packages: The packages to modify.

  • present: Whether the given package should be installed or uninstalled.

  • opts: Extra options passed to pacman when installing/uninstalling.

  • name: The name for the operation.

  • check: If True, returning op.failure() will raise an OperationError. All manually raised OperationErrors will be propagated. When False, any manually raised OperationError will be caught and op.failure() will be returned with the given message while continuing execution.

  • op: The operation wrapper. Must not be supplied by the user.

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