Managing dotfiles

Fora can easily be used to manage dotfiles. It's common for people to have a dotfiles repository, and often they make it available publicly. Usually those contain custom install scripts that install the configuration files on new system.

from fora import host
from fora.operations import files

# Fetch home dir of executing user
home = host.connection.home_dir()"{home}/.config/nvim")
files.upload(src="nvim/init.lua", dest=f"{home}/.config/nvim/")

# ...

By executing this script against a host with url local:, it will automatically be run as the user executing fora.

fora local:

To guard against execution without fora, you can add this to the first line of your script:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Please run this using `fora local:`")

# ...

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