
Provides the dynamic module loading utilities.


attr loader.script_stack

loader.script_stack: list[tuple[ScriptWrapper, inspect.FrameInfo]] = []

A stack of all currently executed scripts ((name, file), frame).

class loader.ImmediateInventory

A temporary inventory just for a single run, without the ability to load host or group module files.

def ImmediateInventory.base_dir()

def ImmediateInventory.base_dir(self) -> str:

An immediate inventory has no base directory.

def ImmediateInventory.group_module_file()

def ImmediateInventory.group_module_file(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]:

An immediate inventory has no group modules.

def ImmediateInventory.host_module_file()

def ImmediateInventory.host_module_file(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]:

An immediate inventory has no host modules.

def ImmediateInventory.available_groups()

def ImmediateInventory.available_groups(self) -> set[str]:

An immediate inventory has no groups.


def loader.load_inventory()

def loader.load_inventory(inventory_file_or_host_url: str) -> None:

Loads the global inventory from the given filename or single-host url and validates the definintions.


  • inventory_file_or_host_url: Either a single host url or an inventory module file (*.py). If a single host url is given without a connection schema (like ssh://), ssh will be used.


  • FatalError: The loaded inventory was invalid.

def loader.run_script()

def loader.run_script(script: str, frame: inspect.FrameInfo, 
                      params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, 
                      name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:

Loads and implicitly runs the given script by creating a new instance.


  • script: The path to the script that should be instanciated

  • frame: The FrameInfo object as given by inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[?] where the script call originates from. Used to keep track of the script invocation stack, which helps with debugging (e.g. cyclic script calls).

  • name: A printable name for the script. Defaults to the script path.

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